Dance your Cares Away, Worries for Another Day, Let the Fraggles Play
Down at The “Welcome Summer!” Dance Party at the Grey Eagle
Equity Tickets
If price is a major obstacle for you to attend, we’d rather you attend! We are offering sliding scale, donation based access to the event at the door. Just bring cash, or show a receipt for a donation through the event’s website.
Raffle Item from Half Wright Studios, “Laurels of Asheville”
Silent Auction - Bidding is Heating Up!
New items just keep popping up!
Check out the fun and exciting offerings from Evergreen Families and local businesses!
You can also pre-order raffle tickets through the Silent Auction Site. When you preorder them, we will fill them out here so there’s no need to spend time at the event scribbling all your info on the back of a tiny ticket!
Raffle Items will only be available at the event so get your tickets now!
Moving up Ceremonies
Add these and all other Evergreen events to your calendar and never miss a beat!
Click on either image for the school’s Google Calendar and look for the (+) bottom right!
Returning Evergreeners: Unexcused Absences during the first 20 Days means cuts to important funding!
Please do not make any plans that would mean your child/ren will miss any of the first 20 days of school.
When students are absent during the first 20 days of the year, Evergreen’s funding is impacted for the remainder of the school year.
For example: If you schedule a trip where a student would miss 5 school days, Evergreen would lose approximately $2,250 of school funding! And, that's just state funding. Buncombe County also bases yearly funding for the school solely on attendance during the first 20 days of school.
The First 20 Days are: August 20th (Orientation) through September 17th.
Missing Orientation Day or days within the first week could also mean risking your spot at Evergreen. So much information about your new classroom and the school year will be shared during orientation. In addition, the first week of school is used in the classroom to create a classroom culture that students will use throughout the school year. That is why it is mandatory.
Action Needed: Please Tell the County Commissioners not to cut Funding for our Nurse
Without county funding Evergreen is at risk of no longer having a nurse on campus. Please get involved and email our representatives!
BCHHS Director: Ellis Vaughan <>
“Did you know that last Thursday alone Nurse Amy saw 20 students in her office?!?”
A note from the Evergreen Business Office and EverAfter on your child care payment records:
As some of you may have heard, Evergreen will not be using MyPaymentsPlus next year. We are moving to a new system that will roll out in July. Since we've used MPP for EverAfter, before school, and summer camp, many of you have records there that you may want or need come tax time next April, or for FSA and dependant care reimbursements.You will lose access to your MyPaymentsPlus account on June 30th, so if you will need those records, please make sure to log in and get them once all remaining fees have been paid for this year. Evergreen will export what information we can before we also lose our access, but that may not include all of what you need.
Reminder - All Fees are Due by June 12th, 2024
Please login to MyPayments Plus and pay your fees by the last day of school and download any information you may need for tax season now!
If you have questions or need assistance please contact our Business Manager Extrordinaire, Beth Rankin.
25 Anniversary Edition Shirts On Sale Until June 12th
Invitation for Feedback and Summer Resources
Summer is officially upon us! Congratulations Evergreen Community, we have successfully completed another wonderful school year!
In addition to our school-wide programming and staff trainings, each year the counseling department aims to offer several parent education workshops on relevant parenting and wellness topics. This school year, we noticed a decline in attendance to these events and we are eager to modify our future offerings to increase parent/community engagement! We invite you to please take a moment to share your input by completing this Parent Education Events Survey, so that we can plan upcoming parent education opportunities that meet our families’ interests and needs.
A few closing remarks from your school counselors…
From Annie:
It was a beautiful heart-gift to return from maternity leave in January to such a warm welcome. In a season of life so full of change, new experiences, and unpredictability, coming “home” to Evergreen felt like the grounding strategy I didn’t know I needed! It has been so nice to feel firmly “planted” here in the Evergreen community and as excited as I am for summer break, I will be equally as excited to return in the fall for another year of nurturing our elementary students’ growth!
From Hunter:
I can’t believe it is already JUNE!! This has been a year full of opportunities to step up to challenges, create space for continual growth, and to celebrate successes! As a first year counselor, I am excited to take all I have learned over the past 10 months and return next year with renewed energy and creative ideas for evolving our middle school counseling program. My heart is filled with gratitude that I have had the privilege to work with this community of 5th-8th grade students, families, and staff.
Lastly, please click the following link for a List of Summer Resources that may be beneficial for your family over the summer and beyond!
Have a great summer full of rest, rejuvenation, and fun! We can’t wait to see you all in August 🙂
~Annie & Hunter
Summer Reading for Adults!
The Cultural Disciples Book Club will pick back up in August. You can join in by reading these books over the summer.
“Alone, we are a solitary violin, a lonely flute, a trumpet singing in the dark. Together, we are a symphony.”