New Parent Social - Tuesday, August 27th @ 5:30pm
First year at Evergreen?
Joined in the middle of the year last year?
Want to welcome new families to the school?
Join us on the field Tuesday evening from 5:30pm-6:30pm.
Unexcused Absences during the first 40 Days means cuts to important funding!
Please do not make any plans that would mean your child/ren will miss any of the first 40 days of school.
This is a change from last year when it was the first 20 days.
Evergreen’s funding for the next school year is determined by the highest daily attendance of either the first or second month of THIS school year.
For example: If you schedule a trip where a student would miss 5 school days, Evergreen would lose approximately $2,250 of school funding! And, that's just state funding. Buncombe County also bases yearly funding for the school solely on attendance during the first 40 days of school.
The First 40 Days are: August 20th (Orientation) through October 21st.
My School Bucks
Every student needs to be registered for a My School Bucks account. If you have not already done so, set your account up today. Need help? We have important info for EverAfter families and families who use the School Lunch Program on our Payment Portal Page, along with reference guide about setting up AutoPay.
Fees for the 24-25 school year have been uploaded. IF you have applied for financial assistance and it has not been confirmed and applied to fees, please do NOT pay your fees until that process is complete.
Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks
Access to affordable, nutritious foods is key to student success! Being able to offer Free and Reduced Meals through the National School Lunch Program, and securing access to healthy food for all of our students is an important value of our school. Make sure you fill out your Free and Reduced Price Lunch Application below.
One of the nice features of the My School Bucks App is that you can add funds to your students’ meal account/s for breakfasts, lunches, and snacks.
With older students consider including them when you’re setting up your monthly allotment, occasionally monitor their use of those funds, and help them learn how to stay within a given budget!
Thursday Treat Tradition
It’s a tradition handed down from parent group to new parent group: Thursday Staff Treats.
If you would like to participate in this parent-led initiative, sign up here, and plan a Thursday treat that:
-covers roughly 50 people
-is tree nut/ peanut and strawberry free (severe allergies).
Last year people brought: bagels, fresh fruit, garden fresh offerings, hard boiled eggs and cheese and veggies, quick breads, babka, donuts, muffins, cornbread, yogurt bar, quiche, etc..
Parent Organizer Kellam brought an amazingly fun spread for the inaugural week!
We Are Crew, Not Passengers,
Working Together to Get to our Destination
The Dogs of Evergreen School Year Wall Calendar
Pre-Order your Dogs of Evergreen School Year Wall Calendar!
This August-July Calendar comes with school breaks, teacher work days, and holidays pre-loaded.
It also features handy QR Codes to get you to school resources quickly. Need to fill out the Absence Form to let us know your student isn’t coming today? Scan the QR Code beside Katie’s doggo, Bintang, on the inside back cover and >boom<, there you are!
$17.50 during the pre-order, $20 after printing.
Get into Adventure!
Do you use aluminum cans in life? Do you want to help support our Adventure Program? If the answer is yes to both then we’re looking for you. Our Cans for Climbing program is a major fundraiser for Evergreen’s Adventure Program that is easy to participate in. All you need to do is drop off any aluminum cans you have in the Cans for Climbing Trailer located right by our buses.
We’re looking for volunteers to support the Adventure Program. Throughout the school year there are a variety of opportunities to get involved ranging from driving with Ski and Snowboard Club to being a Mountain Bike Coach.
All year we are looking for parent volunteers on Monday mornings, 9am - 12pm, to help with our climbing wall and ropes course. These volunteers help belay and guide our students through these high impact activities to support our students’ growth. We're also looking for assistance with our Cans for Climbing program. When our trailer is full, we need help driving it to our local metal buyers. This volunteer option could be a one time help or a regular engagement.
If interested in either of these options, please let our Adventure Coordinator, Ethan, know!
Welcome back Evergreen Families! We hope you have had a summer full of fun, rest, and meaningful connection. Speaking of connection, we are looking forward to welcoming and connecting with new and returning students and families alike. We can’t wait to kick off a new school year filled with excitement, learning, growth, and laughter in the halls!
As your school counselors, we will be working closely with your student(s)’ grade level team(s) to promote social-emotional learning and provide support to students throughout the year. Be sure to stay tuned into the Scoop Counseling Corner, where we will share weekly parenting tips, resources, and more to support your student(s) this year. If you’d like a question answered or concern addressed in future editions, reach out!
Hunter Holland, LCMHC-A
5-8 School Counselor
828.298.2173, x1204
Valuing The Voice: A Listening Circle
Part of our Mission Statement is that we value the voice of every member of our community.
A new regular feature of the Scoop is going to be the Valuing the Voice segment. Please look for this opportunity to offer your thoughts on different Evergreen Topics.
We ask that you please stay on topic for the week. We welcome constructive criticism as well as celebrations.
We also ask that you consider the following questions before hitting submit:
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
This week’s topic is: Parent Orientation
What questions do you still have after orientation? Where do we have room for improvement? What did you take away that you were not expecting?
Please keep in mind that this is feedback and as such may not illicit an immediate response. Feedback will be taken and forwarded to concerned parties, or condensed/combined to paint a overall picture of parent opinion at future meetings.